
Wednesday 28 September 2022

Kahikatea Athletics

Kia ora whānau,

We made the most of the lovely weather today and got outside to practice our four athletics stations. The tamariki were amazing - so focused, motivated, and energised! 

We are really looking forward to our whole-school athletics event on Wednesday 26th October. Kahikatea's events are from 11:00 - 12:40. We would love to see you there if you can make it!

Training for this event will continue in Week 1 of Term 4, so please ensure that your child wears appropriate footwear to school each day.

Here are some photos of our children in action today...

Thursday 22 September 2022

Kahikatea News Term 3 Week 9

Kia ora e te whānau,

It is amazing to think we are already coming to the end of Term 3. This term has been jam-packed with incredible learning and lots of fun in the Kahikatea Hub.


Our word of the week was cooperation. We talked about how cooperation means working together to get things done. To be good at cooperating with others, you need to be a good team member. 

We found that when we cooperated we could get much further across the slack line, than when we tried it by ourselves!

Some of our home groups also demonstrated cooperation when doing Story Champs. We helped one another to re-tell stories and use 'Champ Checks' (a checklist) to see if we could remember all of the parts. We also worked on remembering and using 'sparkle words' (new, interesting vocabulary).


In Term 4, all of our Kahikatea tamariki will be participating in a water safety programme at Pioneer Pool. These lessons are based on the principles of water skills and safety. These lessons do not replace or replicate swimming lessons. This is an opportunity to learn water safety. The students will have eight lessons starting on Monday 31st October, running through until Thursday 10th November.

A survey will be sent out to you soon regarding your child's confidence in swimming. This will also include an opportunity to indicate your availability for parent help. Parents are not required to get in the water and we will meet you at Pioneer as we arrive.

Learning Through Play

The tamariki have continued to show a range of skills and interests during our Learning Through Play sessions. The tamariki continue to challenge themselves, problem solve, and express themselves creatively and imaginatively. The kaiako and tamariki all look forward to these weekly sessions.

Check out some pictures of what we have been getting up to below:


Over the last couple of weeks we have started to end our days as an entire hub in the Theatre for singing. It is such a great way to finish off the day for everyone and we love learning new songs.

Box Construction

We are on the hunt for some boxes and containers for our box construction creations during earning Through Play. Some ideas of what we are looking for:

  • biscuit, cracker, muesli bar boxes
  • cereal and shoe boxes
  • yoghurt pottles and containers

Request for Paint Shirts/Tops

We are also on the hunt for any old children's t-shirts or small adult-sized short-sleeved shirts for us to use during art activities. If you have any that you could spare, please bring them into the hub.

Athletics Day

We are about to begin training for Athletics Day Please ensure that your children are coming to school with appropriate footwear.

Sun Hats

Coming into Term 4 please remember that your children will need their sunhats at school.

Have a great final week at school and a safe and happy holiday break.

Ngā mihi nui,

Team Kahikatea

Sunday 11 September 2022

Kahikatea News Term 3 Week 7

 Kahikatea Team News - Term 3 Week 7

Kia ora koutou,

It has been a busy couple of weeks in the Kahikatea team! Read on to find out more about what we have been up to.

Kete Focus: We Love Challenge!

The student council organised a fun STEM activity during 'We Love Challenge' week. We were given a selection of materials and had to design a bridge that could hold a tin can. We made changes as we went when we realised that something didn't quite work, and persevered when it was tricky. We did so well!

Learning Through Play

It is always a joy to watch our children interact, discover, negotiate, and problem-solve during Learning Through Play. Here are some recent photos of us in action!

Te Whare Tapa Wha

During our home group time, we are learning all about how we can support our wellbeing (hauora) using the Te Whare Tapa Wha model. We have a fabulous new poster that illustrates how important it is to take care of all of the different aspects of our lives to support our wellbeing. 

That's all for now!
Team Kahikatea