Kia ora koutou,
Welcome to Spring! It has been wonderful to have warmer days and to see the sun shining this week!
Keeping Ourselves Safe
This week Kahikatea students have learned about:
Unwanted Behaviour or Touch
- Students need to know that they can stop touching or behaviour that is inappropriate, that worries or confuses them, or makes them feel unsafe.
- Students need to be able to say “no” confidently, move away, and report what has happened.
Secrets and Tricks
- Identify the difference between good surprises and bad secrets
- Identify the adults they trust about bad secrets
- Explain safe practices for trick situations, including online.
This Brian and Bobby video has been a really helpful resource for our tamariki. Last week during our lessons with Constable Meg we all watched this video about Consent (link). We encourage you to watch this too when you have time.
Word of the Week: Friendship
This week we have been learning about friendships and practicing being a good friend. Good friends have several common character traits. By intentionally practicing these qualities, you can help your child learn to be a better friend.
Here are some friendly character traits you can work on:
- Taking turns
- Offering encouragement
- Sharing
- Being patient
- Including others
This week teachers have been completing the JAM test (Junior Asssessment for Maths) so classes have been combined. Some of the topics we have covered during this time include Skip Counting, Time, and Mathematical Art.
Here are some photos of our tamariki enjoying some different maths this week:
Chess Fun!

Every morning a group of Kahikatea students gather in the nook to play games of chess. Anyone is welcome to play and we encourage those of you whose children like to play or would like to learn how to play chess to check out this cool link:
We hope you are having an enjoyable weekend.
Team Kahikatea