
Sunday 11 June 2023

Kahikatea News Term 2 Weeks 7 & 8

Kia ora koutou, is Week 8 already! We are having a blast in Team Kahikatea! As the weather cools down, please ensure your child has clearly named warm clothing. 

Hero Reports are Live

We have enjoyed being able to share the success of all of our learners! Have you seen your child's report? Have you shared this report yet with your child? 

Learning Conferences

These are coming up this week, on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th June. We look forward to meeting with you all. 

This is just a reminder that school will close at 2pm on both days. Children who are usually booked into BOSCO on those days will be able to attend from 2pm. The school will provide supervision for children between 2-3pm IF NEEDED.

Please see your child's Homegroup Teacher if you are yet to book a conference.

Word of the week

Our word of the week last week was FRIENDSHIP.

Below are some videos we showed the tamariki as we discussed what a good friend looks like, sounds like, and feels like.

He aroha whakatō, he aroha puta mai - if kindness is sown, then kindness you shall receive. 

Fun Run

On Friday 2nd June, some of our Tamariki (and awesome parents) participated in the school fundraising fun run to raise money for Trees For Canterbury. It was a fantastic effort by all, we are proud of you and loved cheering you on as you ran lap, after lap, after lap of the field. Below are some photos that were taken. 

Have you got your 'Maths Eyes'? 

As part of our mathematics lessons, we have been looking at everyday images and asking the following four questions:

1. What do you notice?

2. What do you think?

3. What do you wonder?

4. Where's the mathematics in this picture?

Have a go (both children and parents) with the following image. (It's a great way to see the world through a mathematical lens and to build up the skills of communicating using the language of mathematics.)

Photos from our week:

Thanks for taking the time to read our blog.

Team Kahikatea

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