
Wednesday 30 June 2021

Kahikatea News Week 9 Term 2

 Ngā mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Māori! 

Happy Matariki! 

Kia ora whanau, 

We are moving quickly to the end of Term 2 and it has been a busy term! It was wonderful to see so many of you here with us on Wednesday 30th June to celebrate Matariki - the Maori New Year. Our tamariki have enjoyed learning about Matariki, singing songs and creating crafts and sharing their wishes and hopes for the year ahead. 

Matariki wishes

Hygiene and Keeping Well 

We have robust hygiene protocols in place here in Team Kahikatea, including: 

  • Washing our hands before we eat
  • Washing our hands after going to the toilet
  • Using a tissue to blow our nose
  • Sneeze and/or cough into our elbow
  • Tables are sprayed and wiped daily

If your child is unwell PLEASE keep them at home until they are better. 

Structure Literacy: Decodable Texts 

We are noticing that some children are not brining home a decodable text to read to their whanau. Please send your child to school with their reading folder everyday. Your child's literacy teacher will send between 1 and 2 books home each week if your child has their reading folder then we know the book will stay safe and dry inside it. 

Parent Playground Duty 

Volunteers continue to be need for this. If you are able to help out please email Katherine Christensen

Learning Through Play

Our tamariki continue to love, love, love Learning Through Play! 

We are always happy to receive boxes for construction and/or crafting so please do keep brining these in. Our amazing Teaching Assistant's Michelle and Kate have washed and sorted all of our dress-up and now they are looking amazing! Thank you both. If you have any good quality dress up clothes for children please do bring them in. 

Team Kahikatea: 
Amber, Charlotte, Lisa, Katie, Michelle, Kate & Paul 

Thursday 24 June 2021

Kahikatea Gymnastics Term 3 Week 3

25th June 2021

Kia ora whanau, 

Kahikatea students will be attending 6 gymnastics sessions at Olympia Gym (Wigram) in Term 3. 

Each session will be one hour long, the first session will run from 10.30am to 11.30am and the second session will run from 11.30am to 12.30pm. 

Amber and Lisa’s Home Groups: 

Monday 9th August

10am departure 

11.45 return

Tuesday 10th August

10am departure 

11.45 return 

Monday 16th August

10am departure 

11.45 return

Tuesday 17th August

10am departure 

11.45 return 

Monday 23rd August

10am departure 

11.45 return


24th August

10am departure 

11.45 return 

Katie and Charlotte’s Home Groups: 

Monday 9th August

11am departure 

12.45 return

Tuesday 10th August

11am departure 

12.45 return 

Monday 16th August

11am departure 

12.45 return

Tuesday 17th August

11am departure 

12.45 return 

Monday 23rd August

11am departure 

12.45 return


24th August

11am departure 

12.45 return 

Adult Helpers

We require 2 adult helpers per homegroup per day. If you are able to help please email your child’s homegroup teacher. Our adult helpers are not required to assist children during their lesson, the coaches and their homegroup teachers will do this.,,

Children Need to Wear

  • No tights, extra long pants or school dresses 

  • Easy to remove shoes

  • School shirt or equivalent (eg a red t-shirt) 

  • Leggings or shorts

The student contribution is used to help cover the cost of these sessions. If you have not yet made a contribution to your child's school account please do this as soon as possible. 

Arohanui, Amber, Katie, Lisa and Charlotte

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Kahikatea Team, Week 7

Kia ora whānau,

We have had another fun-filled fortnight in the Kahikatea Team! 

Park Explorers

The sun came out to shine last Thursday as Charlotte and Amber's home groups set off on their trip. They had a fabulous day exploring the Botanic Gardens and Museum. Many thanks to all of the parent helpers who came along to support us!


We are very excited to be going to Olympia Gym for a series of gymnastics sessions next term! We will be going by bus on Mondays and Tuesdays from Week 3 through to Week 5. Please email your child's home group teacher if you are able to come along and support us as parent help. We will require two parent helpers each day for each home group.

Learning Through Play

We love Learning Through Play in Kahikatea! Recently, some of the most popular play choices have included dress-ups, making, sandpit play, and dance club.

Request for Dress-Ups

If you have any dress-ups that you no longer need, we would love to take them off your hands! We are after size 6-10 dress-ups in good condition.


Please ensure that your child has a spare change of clothing in their bag each day, particularly if they are keen on playing in the sandpit, or jumping in muddy puddles!

Please take a moment this week to have a chat with your child about the importance of handwashing.

That's all for now!

Katie, Amber, Charlotte, and Lisa

Tuesday 8 June 2021

Trip to the Gardens and Museum tomorrow 10th June - Amber and Charlotte's Groups

Kia ora Whānau, 

At this stage, Amber and Charlotte's groups will undertake the planned trip to the gardens and Museum tomorrow. 

Each child will need:

  • Good walking shoes  - sneakers or other covered shoes
  • A lunch with extra snacks (no lunch orders today)
  • A named drink bottle 
  • Their named school sweatshirt or jumper
  • Any medications - pls hand this to the teacher tomorrow morning

As it is Winter, please do dress children warmly and send jackets, hats and/or gloves if needed. 

Children need to be at school between 8.30 and 8.45 tomorrow

Parent helpers -  please meet in our hub theatre from 8.30 tomorrow. Briefing will begin at 8.40 sharp.

Many thanks, 

Amber and Charlotte

Thursday 3 June 2021

Kahikatea Newsletter Week 5 Term 2


Tuesday 8th: June Staff Only Day 

Thursday 10th: Park Explorers Trip - Amber & Charlotte's Home Groups

Library days: 

    -Katie and Lisa's Home Groups- Tuesdays (Thursday for week 6 only)

    -Amber and Charlotte's Home Groups- Thursdays (no library day week 6 due to trip)

Junior Park Explorers and Museum Trip

Katie and Lisa's home groups had a fabulous trip to the Botanic Gardens and Museum last week. Thanks so much to all of the whānau helpers for coming to support us on this trip. We were very lucky with the weather and the tamariki had a wonderful time. Amber and Charlotte's home groups are looking forward to their trip on the 10th June. Thanks to all of our helpers for rescheduling.

Learner voice:

Pippa- "I liked the museum and all of the stuff we had to figure out. We worked out the old fashioned washing board. At the beginning I thought it was something to do with music."

Shikani- "My favourite bit was when we went to visit the gardens and we were pretending to be birds, buzzy bees and ladybugs. I learnt that they are special to us because they help us survive."

Max G: "I liked it when I rode the bike at the museum. I liked the horse. I did like playing in the playground."

Myra: "I loved the games that we played. We learnt to be birds. We learnt about them and we had fun. I also loved the big, giant bike."

James: "I liked guessing the things at the museum. I liked the botanical gardens and climbing the tree."

Jeremy: "I liked the museum because we guessed the old things from the olden days."

Zak: "I liked nature and learning about the creatures. I found a bug under leaves and wood."


We are loving our new sandpit toys! Thanks to the PTA and Outdoor Spaces team for these. We have been working on showing our values when using these toys, especially 'We Care' and 'We Get There Together'

Here are some more photos of our learners for the last week:

Maths : making patterns