Kia ora whanau,
Welcome to Term 3. We hope you were able to have some quality time with your tamariki during the school break and that you are all keeping well.
Our literacy and maths programs are well underway again now. Katie and Amber are working together during maths time and Krystal and Emma are working together during maths time.
Katie now has her homegroup in the Nook, Amber is in the Breakout Room and Krystal is in the Atrium.

New Library Days
Tuesday- Amber and Katie
Thursday- Krystal and Emma
Jan Malcolm |
In team Kahiaktea we have so many wonderful teachers and staff who work with our tamariki.
Each week the lovely Jan Malcolm works with Amber's Home Group. Sometimes she is here for the whole day or part of the day. Jan works in other teams across the school too, including Kowhai and Pohutukawa.
⭐Welcome Jan!⭐
Kauri Buddies

Every afternoon on Friday/Rapare our team welcomes students from the Kauri hub (Year 7/8). These children are self-selected, they opt into buddies. They love working with younger tamariki and sharing their skills with them. It is all about building that tuakana-teina relationship. They gain a lot from this experience - organisation skills, communication, greater understanding of group dynamics and being a leader. There is also a lot of gain for the younger children - forming bonds with older children, having an older friend to recognise in the playground.
Playground Time |
Train Construction |
Monkey Bars |
Play Dough Fun |
Showing Respect
This week we have had a focus on understanding what Respect looks like, feels like and sounds like:
Respect is an attitude of caring about people and treating them with dignity.
Respect is valuing ourselves and others.
We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy.
When we are respectful we treat others as we want to be treated.
Respect includes honouring the rules of our family or school,
which make life more orderly and peaceful.
Congratulations! You are practising Respect when you...
- Treat others as you want to be treated
- Speak courteously to everyone
- Take special care of other people’s belongings
- Respect the rules of your family, school and nation
- Expect respect for your body and your rights
Copyright 2000, 2004 by The Virtues Project, Inc.
Healthy Lunches

School is a busy place to be and there are a lot of different activities and learning tasks that required our students to be ready for learning and ready to participate and contribute.
Feeding your child a healthy, filling lunch helps our tamariki to get through a busy school day.
During these colder winter days we know children are wanting a bit more kai in their lunchboxes.
Tips for a fabulous lunchbox:
wraps, sandwiches, scrolls, filled rolls or buns,croissants, pizza bread, pizza,scones, yoghurt, hummus, olives, fruit (sliced and ready to eat), proteins (vegetarian and meat), crackers, cheese, pasta, rice, egg (boiled or in a sandwich). Treat foods like chocolate should be included very occasionally.
Morning Routines

We know that getting kids to school each day can be a challenge, especially on these cold and frosty mornings.
Here are some useful affirmations to use in the morning to help if your child is showing reluctance to go to school:
💛It may feel hard now, but it won't feel like this forever
💜Today is going to be a great day!
💙At anytime I can stop and breath
💗I can be kind to others and they will be kind to me
💗I have people who care about me
Te Reo Maori

Our focus this week has been learning colour names
Many of our tamariki are already very confident and can correctly name colours in tea reo maori.
If you and your child would like to learn more you can check out this link to TVNZ (you may need to login):
Kahikatea Singing
This term we have started singing again! Each Monday morning our team gathers in the theatre and Emma leads singing.
We are learning to:
Sing with expression and in tune
To sing with a correct singing voice
To use different rhythms to stay in time
We are learning the following waiata:
- E Tū Kahikatea
- Koromiko
- Āta Marie
- Sprinkle A Little Sunshine
Creative Kids
So many of our gorgeous tamariki demonstrate their creativity through play. Here are just some of their amazing creations:
Calendar Art
Our tamariki have been working on beautiful calendar art these last two weeks and we look forward to sharing these with you soon!
Book Character Dress-up Day
Friday 19th August
Ma te wa,
Amber, Krystal, Emma, Katie, Lisa, Kerilea, Kate & Jan.