Kia ora all,
Can you believe there is only full week of school left?! Term 4 has flown by. The tamariki have worked so hard this year and we are incredibly proud of all the children's mahi.
Upcoming Events:
- Kahikatea Global Grove End-of-Year Performance Dress Rehearsal (for the school) Thursday, 12 December⋅09:30 – 10:30
- Kahikatea Global Grove End-of-Year Performance ( for Whanau) Thursday, 12 December⋅13:00 – 16:00
- Final Celebration Assembly Friday, 13 December⋅09:05 – 09:50
- Meet 2025 Teacher Tuesday, 17 December⋅10:00 – 10:30
- School finishes Tuesday, 17 December at 12:30pm
Global Groove
The Kahikatea production of 'Global Groove' is well underway. The children have been working hard practising lines, making props, singing songs and learning dance moves. Your child's homegroup teacher will have emailed out costume letters. If you have not received a costume letter, please speak to your child's teacher as soon as possible. We are asking that the costumes be at school by the 10th of December at the latest. This will give us time to practise a dress rehearsal, before the whānau performance on Thursday 12th December at 2pm. We hope you can make it!

Friday's final celebration assembly will take place at 9.05am.
End-of-year transitions
There will be lots of opportunities for the children to get familiar with new learning spaces/new peers, during our transition sessions next week.
Monday 9th December - Koru children will be visiting Kahikatea and getting to know the hub and Year 1s.
Wednesday 11th December am - Year 2s will have a visit to the Kōwhai hub.
Wednesday 12th December pm - Koru children will be visiting Kahikatea and getting to know the hub and Year 1s.
Kapa Haka
It has been a lot of fun using poi during our Kapa Haka sessions.
Maths - Fractions Focus
Our Planet and Beyond: Learning about Space
Transition Visits
On Wednesday morning our amazing Year 2 tamariki had their first whole group transition visit to Kowhai! Anna welcomed us and we talked about some of the things that we noticed about the Kowhai hub, and we got to spend time with our new soon-to-be Year 4 friends!
We have another visit next Wednesday morning. Here are some photos of our time in Kowhai....