Warm Autumn Greetings from our Bubble to Yours
Firstly, our team would like to express how incredibly grateful we are for the amazing support you are giving to this new model of learning.
It is an absolute pleasure to see tamariki and their whānau engaging with the daily challenges on our Kahikatea Learning@Home webpage and Seesaw.
These platforms are dynamic and change each day. We love getting your feedback on the types of tasks and activities. Your feedback is incredibly helpful, so thank you.
Many of you have developed your daily routines to include a balance of 'school learning' and other activities.
If you need any support or guidance with this please make contact with your child's homegroup teacher, we are here to help.
Our team is very familiar with the video conferencing app Zoom.If you and your child/children are feeling the need for some face to face time with your teacher via a zoom (video) meeting we are really happy for that to happen. You may want to simply say hi, or to ask questions or get clarification on some of the tasks.
Please email your child's homegroup teacher to let them know you'd like to do this and let them know what times you can't zoom.
Your teachers can email the invite to you once a time is arranged. (You will need to have Zoom App set up on your device).
We will continue to maintain regular contact with families via email and/or phone calls.
A fun Friday Zoom team meetingHere is our Welcome Assembly for Term 2 |
Junior Neighbourhood Support Challenge
Sharing Our Learning

Zach's Jam Sandwich Writing Sandwich Making - Yum!
Cyber Safety (when using school Google Logins)
As you may be aware from the school cyber safety agreement, Beckenham te Kura o Pūroto has various cyber safety systems in place in order to keep students safe. We have one system called “Highlights” that we would like you to be particularly mindful of during lockdown.This system allows teachers to see Chromebook screens and/or Chrome browser tabs whenever that device or browser is signed into a school Google account during school hours. This is an important tool that teachers use to keep students safe and to offer support while students are learning. It also has privacy implications and is one of the main reasons we always ask and remind students to only use their school account for learning purposes. If you want your child to use their personal device/browser for other purposes or without the school cyber safety systems in place, then it is important that students sign out of their school account and sign into a personal account created by you. If your child has borrowed a school Chromebook, they should only be using this with their school login and for learning purposes.
We also utilise a specialised web filtering system to help keep our students safe online. This filter automatically alerts staff whenever a student account is potentially being used to access unsafe content on the internet. Like Highlights, this filter system is active whenever a student is signed into their school account, even if they are at home. If we receive a concerning filter alert during lockdown, we will contact you via email.
It is important to note that teachers never rely on just the filtering system. We work hard to actively monitor students’ screens and always ask students to work in a place where their screens are visible. We strongly encourage you to adopt a similar approach at home by making sure children only use devices in a family area where they can be easily seen. We also encourage you to actively check that your child/children are using the device in a safe and positive manner.
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