
Thursday 14 March 2024

Kahikatea News Term 1 Week 7

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Weeks 6 and 7 of Term 1 have really seen the weather changing as we head into Autumn. There are a few bugs about and some tamariki are showing signs of tiredness. Much like our environment that has been flowering and fruiting all summer we are ready to slow down a little and nurture ourselves. 

We Care | Arohaina te tāngata me te taiao


Kahikatea is currently exploring pattern-making in mathematics. This has included patterns with skip counting, multiplication, identifying, and creating patterns. We have been on the lookout for ways in which maths is used in our daily lives, for example, in arts and crafts, nature and gardening, tattoos, wrapping paper, and design. 

NZ Maths Website
NZ Maths has some great maths activities for tamariki. This is the link for NZ Maths home kete. NZ Maths also has some great resources on number facts games that support our tamariki in their number knowledge. 


Tamariki should all be bringing home their reading books regularly now. Most children are putting their literacy folders into their literacy teacher's container at the start of the day and packing them into their bags after literacy. We encourage tamariki to read and practice their sounds each night to increase fluency. We appreciate your support in their literacy journey. 

Te Reo Māori

We have been focusing on daily greetings in Te Reo Māori. Here's the link to Ata mārie- Good Morning waiata. We have been learning kupu (words) in Te Reo Māori as we work towards creating our own pepeha (introduction).


Our netball unit continues and we are seeing some great skills developing in catching, throwing, dodging, and jumping. 

Digital Technology in Kahikatea

Nick from the Kōwhai team has created some wonderful apps for our tamariki that align with learning in literacy and maths. The length of time in which children are on devices is usually 5-10 minutes and is supervised by an adult. We also use an app called ChatterPix - this app allows children to create characters and use an audio tool to give the characters a voice. If you have any concerns or queries, please contact your child's homegroup teacher.

Nuts at School

Just a reminder that we have children in our team who are allergic to nuts. One of these is life-threatening. Therefore, we are asking that nuts and nut-based products are not brought to school by your child. This includes all nuts.

Walk and Wheel to School

Thank you whānau for supporting this year's walk and wheel to school. It was a great opportunity for our kaiako to learn more about how your tamariki get to school.

Parent Playground Helpers

Last year, we had a wonderful group of parents and caregivers who came along to school during lunch play to support our tamariki in the junior playground. We will be restarting this again from the beginning of Term 2. The benefits of being on the parent playground roster include being involved in the school day, and getting to know other parents and your child's friends. Please email Katie if you would like to offer your help for Term 2.

Visual Diary of Kahikatea 

If you need to korero with your child's teacher please remember you can email us:

Arohanui, from Team Kahikatea 

Amber, Quynh, Lisa, Sarah, Ella & Katie 

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